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Restorative Justice Project Maine Soup + Circle

  • Restorative Justice Project Maine 132 High Street Belfast, ME, 04915 United States (map)

Eighty-eight-year-old Dorothy Odell says that fun, hand-drawn signs and soup awkwardly eaten while sitting in a circle of people talking about a thing, a curious thing, is what Restorative Justice Project Maine’s “Soup and Circles” is all about.

The soup will be delicious. The questions will be compelling.

Dorothy asked me to facilitate the next Soup + Circle, on Tuesday, March 4, at noon—a conversation with two veterans who served in recent conflicts. This is all the info I have at the time of this writing. More information coming soon. I hope you can come.

March 3

Unlikely Collaborations: Coffee Hour for People Interested in Building Community in Rural Places

April 6

Torchlight Open House